College Readiness

Several studies have shown that completing rigorous academic curricula in high school and providing students with opportunities to learn about colleges, financial aid, and campus life helps students overcome socioeconomic disadvantages. Preparing more completely for college in high school tends to result in increased college completion rates.

The Dell Scholars program requires that all applicants have completed in an approved college readiness program in grades 11 and 12.

About These College Readiness Programs

  • Reaches students in the academic middle, underserved populations, or first-generation college students
  • Academic preparation through rigorous coursework, AP courses, IB programs, dual enrollment, college admissions preparation, academic workshops, and meetings to improve students’ academic readiness for college
  • Financial preparation through completion of the FAFSA, financial aid education, application assistance
  • Philosophy of not relying on the “numbers,” but rather a focus on non-cognitive evaluation
  • Personal college preparation of student for college through mentoring/advising
  • Begins working with students no later than junior year
  • Meetings/programs with students and advisors at least monthly during school year
  • Sufficient data indicating success of program
  • Ability to be replicated at other schools/locations

At this time, the Dell Scholars program is not accepting applications from college readiness programs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].